Meet the Board

Steve Baldwin, ASC President 2023

Steve Baldwin, President (Fall 2023–Spring 2024)

Upon attending UNCW, I was disappointed that there was no representation for secular or atheist students. After attempting to debate the Jehovah’s Witnesses in the free speech zones on campus, I decided that I would create this student group to support critical thinking, the adoption of science, and give fellow students a place to meet and participate in special events and activities that focus on secular living.

Myself, I’m an atheist. When I was young, I couldn’t accept the idea that a god was a “man.” While attending college for the first time, I suffered an existential crisis and sought answers through inner reflection and independent research. This led to studying the brain to better understand reality. I began to reason that the existence of any gods wasn’t rational, especially given the many religions across the world—they couldn’t all be right, so why would one be right? Eventually, I’d strip away all the childhood indoctrination and religion-instilled fear until I was finally free to live without the popular fiction that so many choose to believe.

I’m majoring in Computer Science with a concentration in Artificial Intelligence and a minor in Creative Writing, and planning to graduate in May 2024. My passion is being a singer/songwriter and multi-instrumentalist, and I have been running a web development company for nearly 20 years. I enjoy writing fiction and screenplays, hence my minor. I’ve also been a vegetarian since 1991.